Мария Бутина собралась участвовать в выборах в Госдуму от Кировской области

Освобожденная из американской тюрьмы россиянка Мария Бутина подала документы на участие в праймериз «Единой России», для последующего участия на выборах в Государственную Думу.

«Сегодня я подала документы на участие в предварительном голосовании партии «Единая Россия», по итогам которого будут определены кандидаты партии в Государственную Думу от Кировской области», — сообщила Бутина в своем Telegram-канале.

Напомним, Мария Бутина в июле 2018 года была задержана и осуждена в США. Россиянку обвинили за «сговор с целью незаконной работы иностранным агентом» и приговорили к 18 месяцам тюрьмы. В октябре 2019 года Бутина была освобождена и депортирована в Россию.

Фото — ria.ru

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3 Thoughts to “Мария Бутина собралась участвовать в выборах в Госдуму от Кировской области”

  1. Ruska Gospodinova

    Butina has a CRAZY idea to close the OLD SIZO in the city of Kirov and wants, that a NEW SIZO is built outside of Kirov.

    It seems she compares the SIZO in Kirov with the Federal Penitentiary and Correction Center in Tallahassee, Florida.

    What BUTINA forgets is, that the BUDGET of the State of Florida ( 50 million people!) is much higher than the budget of Kirovskaya Oblast.

    And where from is Butina going to get billions of Rubli to build a NEW SIZO outside of town?

    Butina STILL lives in the USA ..not in Kirovskaya Oblast!

    I wonder HOW someone like Butina, who does NOT know anything about finances&economy could represent the FINANCIAL interests of Kirovskaya Oblast in the DUMA?!

  2. Ruska Gospodinova

    I do not understand why Butina pretends to know everything about the penitentiary&detention and correction facilities in the USA?!

    She spent her sentence only in TWO…the Alexndri City Jail, Virginia and the Federal Correction CEnter in Tallahassee,the State of Floria.

    Visiting the SIZO in Voroneg,she said,that the Beureau türmui in the USA corresponds to FSIN.

    This is not true ! THere are many different prisons in the FIFTY states of the USA…FEDERAL; State( prisons finanaced by the states; county; city jails and municipal jails).

    The FEDERAL Beureau türmui is rresponsible ONLY for the FEDERAL Prisons,which are financed and managed by the FEDERAL Government in Washington.

    All other prisons are regulated by the zakonodtelstvo of the states or municiaplities. I know this because I studied law inn BERKELEY, California and worked for criminal attorneys in San Fransisco, with whom I visited zaklyuchenuix even in the notorious San Quanteen pprison in Maron County, California.

  3. Ruska Gospodinova

    Butina has very strange ideas about the Government control of weapon licensing.

    She thinks stricter medical controls, which ought to be done regularly, should be demanded before a weapon is allowed to be bought.

    This idea is very difficult to realize and will cost the Russian taxpayers plenty of money.



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